Thursday, March 24, 2011

Freedom Essay winner

Congratulations to Emily Wysocki!  She is the winner of Sertoma's freedom essay contest.  All 5th Grade students wrote an essay with the topic "What Freedom Means to Me".  Emily has won a $50.00 savings bond and will be honored at a luncheon at Camp Sertoma on April 14th.  Her essay will be entered in competition with other east district schools.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Thanks to all the parents who attended conferences on Wedesday.  Let me know if you have further questions or concerns.  I always enjoy talking to my students' parents.  It answers a lot of questions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BizTown Trip

We had a great trip to Junior Achievement's BizTown on Tuesday.  Each student had to work at their assigned job, manage their checkbook, and follow the schedule for lunch and shopping breaks.  They were given a look at the 'real world' of business for the day.

Thanks to Mrs. Moorman, Mrs. Newkirk, and Mrs. Cummins for giving up a whole day to accompany the 4th and 5th Grades to BizTown.  We appreciate your generosity.

Friday, March 18, 2011

BizTown trip

Just a reminder: all students and adult volunteers will need to bring a lunch to BizTown on Monday.  Drinks are provided. Adult volunteers need to be at the Junior Achievement Building, located at 7400 N Keystone, by 8:00 am.
Students should wear their school uniforms.
The bus will leave Holy Spirit around 8:30 am.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BizTown permission slips

Many students have not turned in their permission slip and $25.00 for BizTown.  Both are due tomorrow.
If the fee is a problem, please let me know. Help is available.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday To You!

We are celebrating five classroom birthdays this month.
Thanks for all the treats!

Happy Birthday to:

Zach Newkirk  3/02/11
Yessica Cruz 3/11/11
Isenia Rodriguez  3/13/11
Cassy Moorman 3/13/11
Brooklin Wilburn  3/18/11

Wednesday Mass

Room 4 is preparing the Mass for tomorrow: Wednesday, March 16th.  Everyone is invited to attend.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Conference requests

Please send in your conference request form tomorrow.  We will be scheduling conference times on Wednesday morning.  I sent some teacher request forms home today.  Please ask your child if they brought one home.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Homework from Mrs. Parsons, etc.

Each student has been asked to trace the outline of their foot on paper, color it purple, cut out the foot, and write one thing they are going to do, or not do, during this first week of Lent.

The foot prints will be put in the hallway at school to mark the path to our twinning parish in Honduras.
Each student will be given a pedometer to use during Lent to count their steps that will get us closer to our destination.

Monday, March 7, 2011

BizTown permission slips

Permission slips for BizTown were sent home today.  They are due back on Thursday, March 17th with the fee of $25.00.  If the fee is a problem, let me, or let Mrs. Parsons know.  Assistance is available.

Friday, March 4, 2011

BizTown Updates

The election campaigns begin on Monday.  The candidates may post their campaign posters in the 4th and 5th Grade hall and campaign during lunchtime.  The candidates will give their speeches on Tuesday and the general election will be on Wednesday.
The students will interview for their BizTown jobs on Wednesday, March 9th.  There will be some business professionals here at school to assist us with interviews.  The students should dress in professional type clothing for their interview.  Boys should be in shirt and tie, and girls should wear nice skirts or slacks.  No shorts or jeans, please. The studnts may bring their school uniform to change clothes if they wish.  The interviews will be held after Mass.
Adult volunteers who will be attending BizTown with us on Monday, March 21st.  Next week, all volunteers will be receiving a confirmation letter and list of the other parents going with us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

BizTown primary election

We held a primary election today to elect the top candidates for the mayor of BizTown.  Contratulations to Taylor Brown, Marygrace Cummins, Aubrey Lowry, Ethan Gogel, Dylan Kelshaw, and Grace White.  The candidates will begin campaigning on Monday. The general election will be held next Wednesday, the same day as job interviews.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Service Project

Please encourage your child to earn money, or give up something they want to buy and donate to the 8th Graders service project to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis.
A list of items has been sent home, and our class has no donations so far.  This would be a great family Lenten project. 


Happy Birthday to Zach Newkirk today.  Thanks for the cupcakes!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Students need a recorder for Music

Please ask your child for the recorder order form that Mrs. Simms sent home today.  The instruments are required for 4th quarter Music class.

Spirit Week starts Wednesday

Spirit Week begins tomorrow with a dress up day.  No jeans please!