Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Room 4 News and Info.
-4th and 5th Grades will be going to Junior Achievement's BizTown on Friday, February 15th where they will participate in a day long simulation. The students will learn about all areas of economics and banking in the next four weeks to prepare for this trip. We will need about 20 parents to accompany us on this day. More information will be sent home this Friday.
-All students received a Mass Journal today from Fr. Paul. We took the Journal to church this morning and the students wrote a short reflection after communion. Fr. Paul would like all students to bring this Journal with them to Mass each Sunday, and write a similar reflection, beginning this Sunday. We will discuss their reflections during Religion class on Monday, and this will be part of their Religion grade. Please make attending church on Sumday a priority.
-Former middle school Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Amy Moran, is working on her license as a school counselor, and she has offered counseling services to all students during the school day.