Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thanks to everyone who attended student-led conferences with your child.  The students did a fantastic job explaining their grades and winter benchmark scores.  It was a pleasure meeting with your family.
Have a great spring break, and be safe.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Student-led Conferences on Wednesday

Student-led conferences are scheduled for this Wednesday, March 21.  Students must be present at the conference.  Family conference forms were sent home with the oldest child in the family on Friday.  If you did not receive the form or you need to change your conference time, please contact your oldest child's teacher as soon as possible.

Room 4 students spent some time this afternoon preparing for their conference.  The students added their winter Benchmark scores and their 3rd quarter report card grades to their ISSP (Individual Student Success Plan).  The students also compares their winter Benchmark scores with the mid-point scores to mark their progress.  You will hear more about this at conference.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Conference Forms

Conference forms were sent home today with the time of your scheduled conference for Wednesday, March 21st.  If there is a problem with the scheduled time, please let your child's homeroom teacher know as soon as possible.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BizTown Information

The parent volunteer information and permission slips were sent home today.  If you would like to accompany the 4th and 5th Graders on their study trip to Junior Achievement's BizTown please return the volunteer sheet as soon as possible.  We can take 20 parent volunteers, and the spots generally fill up quickly.  Volunteers must be VIRTUS trained and have a current background check on file.

The permission slips are not due until April 6th.  These were sent home early because of the cost.  If  the cost is prohibitive, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Save the date for BizTown

4th and 5th Graders will begin preparing for their April 13th trip to Junior Achievement's BizTown.  For those not familiar with this program, BizTown is a day-long simulated city where students work at a job, maintain their pay in a bank account, learn about government and economics, and purchase products.  This requires about 4 weeks of preparation during our Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts classes.
We will need about 20 parent volunteers for spend the day at BizTown with us.  More information will be coming home this week.

Regular Schedule

ISTEP testing was completed by all students last week, so we are back on our regular schedule for class times and specials classes.  Being flexible is one of our Lifelines, and all students displayed their flexibility last week.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Picture return, etc

All-school Mass and Stations of the Cross starting at 8:10 tomorrow.

Please return your spring picture package or the order by Friday, March 9th.

Please return your spring conference request form by Tuesday, March 13th.

Monday, March 5, 2012

First day of ISTEP and change in Mass schedule

We had a very succssful first day of ISTEP testing.  The students completed the applied skills portion of Math and the writing section of Language Arts.  Two tests down, two to go!

The all-school Mass and Stations of the Cross will be on Friday instead of Wednesday this week.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Change in PE schedule and ISTEP

Due to ISTEP testing, Room 4 will be attending PE class on Monday and Friday next week, instead of Monday and Wednesday.  Please have your child dress in regular school uniform on Wednesday and PE clothes on Friday.

4th and 5th Grades have ISTEP tests scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning.  Please make sure your child has a good night's sleep, a nutritious breakfast, and  arrives at school on time.